Mitul Baruah

Mitul Baruah

PhD Students
Devashish Saurav (Committee Member), Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Ashoka University (2022-present).

Sohini Chakraborty (Committee Member), Humanities & Social Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi (2022-present).

MPhil Students
Teressa Scholastica Thomas (Committee Member), Department of Sociology, Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi (2023)

Master’s Students

Naeem Panakat (Advisor), MA in Liberal Studies, Ashoka University (2022-present). 

Sakhi Upadhyaya (Advisor), MA in Liberal Studies, Ashoka University (2018).

Senior Undergraduate Students

Hiteshi Ajmera (Co-advisor), Department of Poitical Science, Ashoka University (2021).

Labonie Roy (Advisor), Department of Sociology & Anthropology, Ashoka University (2018)